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Showing posts from August, 2009

Mathematica error - xset: bad font path element

Whenever I tried to start Mathematica 7 from command line, I get the following error and it exits, xset: bad font path element (#23), possible causes are: Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions Directory missing fonts.dir Incorrect font server address or syntax The reason is that my terminal had wrong xset settings. To reset it I just had to press F9 in the terminal and like magic Mathematica started without any more error.

Howto make a search plugin in Firefox

I wanted to search for some lyrics on a site. Evry time I had to type the same keyword along with the search terms. So I went ahead and modified a search engine already installed to get around this hassle. What I did to create my own custom search engine in Firefox is as follows - I went to the directory home/.mozilla/firefox/asrfafae.default/searchplugins Copy pasted any search plugin already installed. Opened the xml file in a text editor. I modified it to my advantage (the bold ones) - <' SearchPlugin xmlns="" xmlns:os="" '> <' os:ShortName'><'/os:ShortName '> <'os:Description'>hindi Lyrics Search -<'/os:Description'> <'os:InputEncoding'>ISO-8859-1<'/os:InputEncoding'> <'os:Image width="16" height="16"&#